
Hosting a Knit Night

KnittingChantal MiyagishimaComment

Originally published on June 7 2016

So you’ve just learned to knit or crochet - or maybe you’ve been stitching away for a while. You’re just pining to talk knits and purls, crochets and cables, patterns and fibers and yarn and anything yarny related! There's just one problemo: Your partner or close friend don’t really care. They listen and smile and nod along, but just they don’t get it. Welcome to my life.

 It was 2.5 years ago that I started a weekly Stitch N’ Bitch in Calgary, and it’s been the highlight night of my week ever since! It’s wonderful to get together to knit or crochet, chat, laugh and learn and just be around like minded people. So if you’ve been wanting some knit-friendly friends, here are my tips in starting a knit night!

1. Find Yo’ Knitters

We knitters are a tight and scarce group but when we come out, we come out in HOARDS! Start searching hashtags on social media (#knittersgonnaknit #knittinglove #crochetersofig) to try and find knitters or crocheters in your area. You can also pop into craft fairs or markets around town and say hello! (I literally stalk people on insta and invite them personally to my knit nights. I also invite all the knitters who say hello to me at my booth at markets!)

2. Keep your location, time and meeting day consistent

Planning something as small as a weekly/monthly knit night seems minimal but it doesn’t need to be stressful. The more repetitive the better! Bumping around the city sounds cool but it’ll become a hassle (especially if you have to do it each week) plus you won’t get your regulars showing up on you know…the reg. Keep the same date and time and your regulars will show up no matter what – even if you’re late.

3. Include a weekly reminder post on your social media feeds

Advertise your knit night in advance and the exact same day as your “event”. State the time & locations along with your knit night deets! By doing this your followers get that constant weekly/monthly reminder and even if they can’t make it to this one they can plan for the next. It’ll actually make it easier for new followers or people to find you too if you’re constantly posting! (At the beginning I actually tagged all the knitters I knew on the actual photo I posted so they couldn’t miss it!)

4. Don’t get Bummed

If no one comes to your first knit night, no worries. If someone comes consistently for a while and then stops coming, no worries! You will find your tribe of crafters and you will get those regulars that keep coming in no time!

5. Bring your Project and Have Fun!

This is the best part. Meet, mingle and knit/crochet away. You will meet so many amazing people and learn a whole bunch since everyone has a different skill set. Enjoy!